What is Niacinamide and How Does it Help our Skin?
What is it?
You might be thinking what Niacinamide, I have never heard of it before. It is a type of vitamin B-3 nutrient that is present in our everyday lives in various ways, shapes, and forms.Niacinamide helps our bodies regulate healthy kidneys and brains. Niacinamide, or more commonly known as a B-3 deficiency, can lead to serious health complications but we will not be talking about those today. Niacinamide is most commonly knows for the benefits it has for our skins. You might have seen or known some people who are quite old and nearing retirement age very soon. However, when you see them in the whole you say to yourself, “there is no way he is telling the truth about his age, really?” there are obviously several reasons for this, but one of them almost always is that they use a topical solution with Niacinamide in its formula. It is also more popularly known as an “anti-aging” serum, or at least that’s what people think of it.
Hearing about Niacinamidemight have gotten you excited and you will surely be saying tell me more! Apart from the nutritional benefits mentioned above for our internal organs, there are several benefits to the skin visible to the naked eye. Topical Niacinamide benefits shine overtime through consistent use.
- Ultraviolet protection: Niacinamide can produce healthy skin cells while simultaneously protecting against damaging ultraviolet rays.
- Reduces wrinkles: aging is a process no one can escape, but we can make it seem like we delay it, Niacinamide assists with sun damage and repairs some of the damaged parts.
- Helps with acne and weird blemishes: Niacinamide helped people with severe acneand also dark spots which make your skin look healthier.
- Keratin builder: Niacinamide helps with building keratin, which one can argue is more beneficial than how your skin might look (to some people of course). Keratin is the type of protein found in our nails and hair. Keratin is essential for maintaining healthy hair and nails.
- Lipid barrier: Niacinamide also helps our skin form a sort of barrier on our skin; this helps our skin retain moisture and doesn’t let it dry out.
Potential drawbacks
There is sufficient evidence suggesting that Niacinamide is for the most part safe to use. But intake of Niacinamide through supplementation (for people with deficiencies) has resulted in minor side effects for some people that include slight headaches, gas, dizziness, scratchiness, and a slight burning feeling in the chest. Topical solutions of course come with their complications, although they are also at a minimal level. Some of the side effects you might experience might be burning, itching, or slight redness in the applied area. It is probably a good idea to take a dollop and test in a small area at first before going ahead and using it in the desired spot. Even though the side effects are minimal, it is always a good idea to talk to your doctor before deciding to use Niacinamide. Consulting a specialist is recommended for pregnant women, diabetics, or people with liver issues.