How to Stop Acne?
What causes acne?
We’ve all suffered from it at some point in our lives to some extent. Some people had an okay experience with them, some had a very difficult time with pimples, and some people keep getting them regularly. Nevertheless, what causes these funny-looking white or black bumps on your face, and why are we toldit is a bad idea to pop them. Our body is covered in what are called pores and these openings release oil and sweat from time to time. Occasionally these pores might be clogged up because of dirt, bacteria, oil, or dead skin cells. If pores are clogged up and not cleaned as soon as possible then voila! You have yourself a pimple!
Of course, pimples can appear anywhere on our body, but they most commonly occur on the face, and even though the pain level is usually minimal, It might still affect a person’s self-esteem and so on. The reason we are told not to pop them is that it might cause scarring, which is a whole another bundle of problems in itself.
Skincare routine
There are countless ways to modify a skincare routine to your liking. Nevertheless, everyone should start with a simple routine at first instead of buying boatloads of products without checking what works for them. The very first basic step would be to wash your face after waking up, sweating, and before going to sleep. Keeping your face clean is the most basic thing to do before using any products. Utilizing a good facewash would be the next step. A water-based product would be preferable because it will not cause any problems or irritations after. The type of product depends on your skin type. This is crucial to know because some people have dry skin, and some people have oily skin. A perfect example of an oily-skinned person would be me of course!
My skin is always oily; I use a very effective Aloe Vera facewash twice a day that helps me out a lot. However, the main issue is that if I forget to use my facewash even once, I get at least two pimples the next day. I plan to utilize an exfoliating product very soon.
Medical alternatives
Several people decide to turn to medicine if no product works for them. Even though there are countless products on the market for acne, some people are tired of searching. There are loads of solutions and creams that a dermatologist can assign. However, in the end, the only product that works is Isotretinoin. This is a pill that you’re supposed to eat only once a day, and the dosage varies from 10 mg to 40 mg. The reason I know about it is that I have taken this medication in the past. I had a strange issue couple of years ago with acne where my entire back would be filled with pimples and I couldn’t understand why. I decided to visit the doctor and this medication worked wonders for me because after 6 months all of the acne over my body was gone. The only side effect the majority of people experience is dry skin and that can be solved through regular use of moisturizer.