We must have heard this word many times before in our lives. We also have heard different opinions about Botox, some say it is bad whereas some say it’s good. Let’s dive deep into this topic and see what exactly Botox is and what this HYPE is all about!
Botox is a brand name not a drug. The toxin itself is called the Clostridium Botulinum. It was the first brand that introduced this injection hence why people recognize this toxin by this name. The most common use for Botox is for reducing aging effects on the face. Botox injections help instantly remove fine lines and wrinkles to make your skin look more youthful.

Besides this, Botox has been very beneficial in some other ways too.
Treatment of Heavy Sweating Using BOTOX
Hyperhidrosis is the term used for heavy sweating in which the person sweats too much in a normal room condition or even during winters. According to research, 1.3 million American citizens are affected by this illness. Such patients are reluctant to go to social gatherings and lack self-confidence. The condition also affects their interpersonal relationship as they are embarrassed to be sweaty all the time. If the sweating problem is in one area of your body then that would be called focal hyperhidrosis.
If it is on more areas of the body then we would be generalized excessive sweating.
There are surgical and topical treatments available for this illness but Botox has been the most effective treatment if the excessive sweating is restricted to one area only. It is a simple procedure, a numbing cream is applied to the area followed by many tiny injections on the affective area, and the Botox relaxes the muscles due to which the sweating is controlled. Proper results are shown within two weeks and the effects of Botox last for 6-9 months. Botox treatment has improved the quality of life of many people.
Botox treatment for TMJ Disorder
Temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) disorder is a condition in which you feel constant tension in your jaws that leads to jaw pain and headaches. The disorder is sometimes due to the habit of grinding teeth, anxiety problems and muscle tension. The TMJ is essential for speaking, eating, and swallowing activities.
It has helped relieve the patient with the symptoms. The Botulinum toxin protein is injected into the affected area, the jaws muscles near the jaw bone. It is a 10-30 minutes procedure depending on the severity of the disease. The injection helps with jaw pain and is also helpful in reducing headaches. If the symptoms are severe, the doctor might give one or two Botox injections at your forehead that will instantly help in reducing headaches. Any wrinkles or redness due to the injection will go away in a day or two. The treatment will not make you look younger instead you might look less angry and more relaxed due to reduced jaw tension. The results of Botox treatment result can last for 3 to 4 months.