Women of color are more exposed to harmful chemicals in beauty products
Darker women are more exposed to harmful chemicals present in beauty products. How can these beauty products be harmful for women of color? According to research, dark colored women are more exposed to harmful chemicals that are present in personal care and beauty products. These products mainly contain hormone disrupters such as phthalates and parabens which make them more toxic as compared to the products supplied to white women. These chemicals are found at higher levels in the bodies of those women who are colored rather than those who are uncolored. They cause reproductive problems like fibroids and early periods.
These disorders are multiplied by the frequency of the usage of these products. Black women buy these products nine times more than white women. It is giving rise to ethnic and racial disparities. Companies are making efforts to produce toxic-free beauty products. Eight major retailers have formed policies to eliminate toxic chemicals from their beauty products. Products that lead to cancer and reproductive disorders have been particularly focused on. Ingredient transparency to the consumers has been increased. Despite of these restrictions, it is still a long way to go to actually see the real difference as these non-toxic products are not shown up in products marketed to people of color.dark colored women are more exposed to harmful chemicals that are present in personal care and beauty products.
According to dermatologists and scientists, it is an area of worry to study about the potential effects of chemicals in beauty products. Women of color are most likely affected by the harmful ingredients present in these products. This is because colored women tend to spend more, as compared to white women, hair straightening, skin-lightening creams, feminine cleansing, hygiene products and relaxing treatments. This more exposure of black women is causing exposure disparities.
Pregnant women should refrain from using these products as their usage may cause disruption of hormones, issues of reproduction and fetal development. Preservatives such as parabens have been found to cause diminished fertility, reproductive problems and lower thyroid levels the adverse reactions caused by exposure to these harmful formaldehyde releasing preservatives are rashes on face and neck, hair loss, nose bleeds blistered scalp and other help problems. Recently formaldehyde has been designated as a known human carcinogen
Fragrance mixtures are also known to trigger allergic reactions such as dermatitis, headaches, wheezing and Asthma. The ingredients used in this mixture copy the estrogen hormone and lead to harmful thyroid effects. These problems should be considered by Gynecologists and obstetricians so that the racial and social disparity caused by environmental exposure to beauty products. It is the responsibility of food and drug administration to test the ingredients used in all cosmetics to ensure that they are as healthy and safe as possible. Most companies have strived to produce their own non-toxic products because of consumer feedback but a lot of work is yet to be done to ensure this. Medical community also needs to consider this issue of harmful exposure to personal care products as they are causing health and racial disparity.