Gentle formulas for a gentle skin
To have healthy skin, whether dry or oily, offer appropriate care. If you want to improve the condition of your skin, this is a list of some gentle skincare formulas to know and use in your beauty routine. Having beautiful skin is possible, but you still need to have a skin care routine. Many still neglect it…
Even if you don’t wear makeup, it is essential to cleanse your skin with products that will help it age in the best possible way. Reveal the beauty of your skin instead of hiding it with Snapchat filters ;)!
Hydrate properly
To restore softness and youthfulness to the skin of your hands and feet, in the evening, apply moisturiser and put on socks and gloves to sleep. Hydrated skin is healthy skin. One of the best ingredients to use to achieve this is hyaluronic acid (HA).
HA is a transparent, gel-like substance that is naturally produced by the body. It gives the skin its structure and helps give it a plump, dewy appearance. Unfortunately, the amount of hyaluronic acid produced by the body decreases with age, leading to the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin.
A lot of HA-based skincare products are now available, from creams to masks, serums and eye creams. A good starting point for using this ingredient is using a serum or cream. It will deliver a concentrated boost of HA to your skin’s surface for long-lasting hydration.
Tone your skin
Use a mixture of sage, peppermint and witch hazel: the first to limit oil production, the second to stimulate and refresh, and the third to regenerate the protective layer of the skin. Mix 110 ml of witch hazel water with 1 tablespoon of sage leaves and the same amount of mint leaves; let infuse 1 to 3 days before using the preparation. Also consume turmeric for radiant skin and hair. Another great ingredient would be retinol. Retinol is one of the most powerful anti-aging ingredients on the market.
When applied to the skin, retinol breaks down into small molecules that penetrate the outer layer of the skin. It stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, two substances essential for a youthful and healthy complexion. This helps fight against the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
In addition to fighting the signs of aging, retinol is an ingredient for those struggling with acne. Retinol has an exfoliating effect, which helps unclog pores and maintain beautiful smooth skin texture.
Change your moisturiser when the seasons return
The skin needs to be more hydrated in winter than in summer. So the day you pull the winter clothes out of the attic, switch to a heavier moisturiser. Conversely, when you take out the shorts, switch to a lighter product.
Ceramides are a crucial element in maintaining moisture on skin. Constituting part of the skin barrier, they prevent it from losing its hydration while protecting it from pollution and dry air. Although ceramides are produced naturally, they are depleted with age. A diet rich in vegetables, healthy fats and plenty of water can help, as can the use of appropriate skincare products.