Application of the Gua Sha Tools
The Gua Sha stone has already made a name for itself in the beauty world. But what is actually behind the massage method from Asia? Translated, “Gua” means to press or stroke, and “Sha” can be roughly translated as redness. And that’s precisely what facial massage is all about.
The smooth edge of the Gua Sha tool is used to scrape over the skin. This not only has a relaxing effect but also stimulates blood circulation. You should make sure that the direction of the stroke always points to the lymph nodes. It is also essential that you only ever paint in one order, not back and forth. In the case of skin injuries or acne, using a Gua Sha tool is not recommended.
Depending on the time of day, you can decide what you want from the facial massage. In the morning, it helps against swelling and thick circles under the eyes. In the evening, before going to sleep, the massage has a calming and relaxing effect, and you work your care products deep into the skin so that they can work well overnight. You can use the message every day.
Gua Sha—how it works:
- Clean face thoroughly
- Apply nourishing facial oil or serum
- Stroke over face with gentle movements
- It is best to drink water or tea after the massage
How does facial massage work?
Facial massages have been a popular relaxation ritual and secret for a rosy, fresh complexion for centuries. The beauty treatment makes sense because if you use the proper grips, they improve the lymph flow and can counteract swollen and tired eyes.
In addition, blood circulation is stimulated, which ensures a radiant complexion that appears fresher and more youthful. But the ingredients of your care products can also be better absorbed by the skin by massaging them and thus work more effectively.
Humans have 50 muscles in their faces alone, which can quickly become tense or hardened in everyday life. Massages relax the muscles and can thus prevent wrinkles.
- To relax, you can slide your Gua Sha Tool between the eyebrows and on the forehead. This relaxes and can even counteract headaches.
- For tired, swollen eyes, gently rub your Gua Sha stone under the eyes from the inside out to over the ears. This will drain any accumulated fluid. Tip: Cool the stone in the fridge beforehand.
- For defined contours, you can slide your massage tool along the chin line, for example.
- Stroke and horizontal movements can counteract wrinkles.
Of course, you can not only use your Gua Sha Tool on your face. The neck, arms, or thighs also look forward to a gentle massage!