5 reasons to start using probiotics beyond digestive
Probiotics are much more than just ‘good bugs’ found in yogurt, and these reasons prove it.
Probiotics for the skin
For some time now, everyone has been talking about probiotics. However, it is not easy to understand what they are. Today we explain 5 things you need to know about probiotics to finally understand simply what they are and why they are so good for our skin.
Its uses are almost limitless
Probiotics are being used for more and more things. At first, we took them a lot when we had digestive problems,” but now that we understand the science of the microbiome better, they’re starting to develop a bunch of probiotics to improve skin, teeth, and even the intimate area. Probiotics are an area of great development in medicine, and their effects against anxiety, depression, obesity, diabetes, and many other inflammatory diseases are being studied.
Taking them is easy and comfortable
Probiotics are available in different forms: capsules, tablets, or even powder. However, you must know something important, and that is that you must keep them away from humidity. And is that, if the probiotics come into contact with water, the bacteria wake up in the capsule instead of in the intestine.
The results are noticeable quite quickly
The effects of probiotics in the intestine are quite fast, although, in the case of probiotics for the skin, it is necessary to wait a little longer to see results, specifically between 4 and 6 weeks, so it is still faster than in other active principles.
The important thing for them to take effect, if taken orally, is to take stomach acids into account. Thus, it is best to take probiotics on an empty stomach in the morning, when the acidity level is still low. Another interesting aspect to keep in mind is that probiotics only work when we take them, they do not have any long-term effect, so it is necessary to continue taking them to continue noticing their effects.
Choosing a quality probiotic is very simple
Although at first, it can be a bit overwhelming when faced with choosing a good probiotic without having a clue, the truth is that you only have to take into account a couple of things to get it right. The first is that you choose one that has at least 1 billion CFUs per capsule. 1 CFU (colony forming unit) corresponds to 1 live bacterium ready to reproduce. The second is to check if the labeling specifies the strain of the bacterium (L. rhamnosus R0011, for example, instead of just L. rhamnosus). why? Because two different strains can have very different effects, having it specified tells you that the laboratory has chosen the correct one to fulfill what it promises.
Everyone can take probiotics
Being something natural, they are not contraindicated for anyone, and their effects will always be beneficial. Of course, if you are pregnant or lactating, it is better to consult your doctor first before taking anything, but apart from this exception, they are completely safe for everyone.