Covid 19 Skincare Tips: Prevent facemask problems with these 7 tips
Facial skin is delicate because it effortlessly reacts to an irritant. There are many skin irritants in the air. But the one in focus today is how wearing a facemask can cause problems like acne, rashes, skin cracking, and prickliness. Imagine that seething that should protect you could also attack you – this is the sorry case of face protection.
Like it or not, facemask has become a trend. What was created to protect people from catching and spreading the virus has somehow found its way among fashionable items. So like it or hate it, you are stuck with it. Constantly putting on a shield for whatever reason is hard on your face, because it makes it sensitive and hence easily irritated. To lessen the possibility of developing any facial breakouts, below are 7-proven and recommended skincare tips for wearing facemasks.
1. Always moisturize and cleanse your face every day. Knowing you might need to cover your face for an unknown period, prevent irritation. Mild skin care products can prevent skin problems. Washing the face regularly with non-fragrance and gentle cleanser will help you.
2. Wearing masks causes dry skin. Therefore, apply moisturizers before wearing the masks and avoid problems. The skin therapy acts as a protective shield; to receive ultimate benefits from a moisturizing product, skin professionals advise that you buy one that contains these ingredients:
*Hyaluronic acid
Dimethicone helps to build a protective coating that lessens skin irritation.
3. Before putting on a mask, use a moisturizer, and for perfect skincare, also use it after putting it off. This is because it can avert skin problems, particularly if you have a dry skin type.
4. When you wear a mask, your mouth is also covered, making it vulnerable to developing skin issues. So, protect your lip with lip gloss or oil-based substances preferably organic ingredients like coconut oil, shea butter, or petroleum jelly. This precaution will avert cracked and dry lips.
5. Do not put on makeup when you wear a mask. Wearing any cosmetics under a face cover will block your skin pore and cause breakouts. If you must put on makeup, use comedogenic cosmetic products that won’t block your pores.
6. Avoid using some skincare products like retinoid with a mask because it will irritate your skin. Use it only at night before going to bed. If your skin is irritated, reduce the number of skincare items on your face.
7. Put on the right asks for your face to lessen skin damages.
For the ideal facial asks go for:
a. One that has a right and comfortable fitting mask
b. That has 2 steps material
c. Natural, soft, and breathable materials like cotton inside the part that lies against your face.
A mask gives you comfort and fits properly can ward off the spread of the covid virus and stop skin diseases. A tight mask is not advisable as it can make you uncomfortable, and trigger the urge to constantly adjust it. Touching the mask regularly could transfer viruses, germs, and bacteria to the cover and your face.
When next you want to put on a facemask, take extra precautions to prevent skin problems or breakout.